

摘选部分 gpt4 和两篇第一性原理文章内容。

TFP: The First Principle.

A first principle is a foundational proposition or assumption that stands alone. We cannot deduce first principles from any other proposition or assumption.

一个合格(用 TFP)的教练行为:

Every play we see in the NFL was at some point created by someone who thought, “What would happen if the players did this?” and went out and tested the idea. Since then, thousands, if not millions, of plays have been created. That’s part of what coaches do. They assess what’s physically possible, along with the weaknesses of the other teams and the capabilities of their own players, and create plays that are designed to give their teams an advantage.

The coach reasons from first principles. The rules of football are the first principles: they govern what you can and can’t do. Everything is possible as long as it’s not against the rules.


His approach to understanding reality is to start with what is true — not with his intuition. The problem is that we don’t know as much as we think we do, so our intuition isn’t very good. We trick ourselves into thinking we know what’s possible and what’s not. The way Musk thinks is much different.

Musk starts out with something he wants to achieve, like building a rocket. Then he starts with the first principles of the problem. Running through how Musk would think, Larry Page said in an interview, “What are the physics of it? How much time will it take? How much will it cost? How much cheaper can I make it? There’s this level of engineering and physics that you need to make judgments about what’s possible and interesting. Elon is unusual in that he knows that, and he also knows business and organization and leadership and governmental issues.”

Musk 说“反直觉思维”和“第一性原理思维”是他想建造可回收火箭这一想法的起点。

BuzzFeed 创始人对数字媒体的 FTP 运用:

After studying the psychology of virality, Jonah Peretti founded BuzzFeed in 2006. The site quickly grew to be one of the most popular on the internet, with hundreds of employees and substantial revenue.

Peretti figured out early on the first principle of a successful website: wide distribution. Rather than publishing articles people should read, BuzzFeed focuses on publishing those that people want to read. This means aiming to garner maximum social shares to put distribution in the hands of readers.

Peretti recognized the first principles of online popularity and used them to take a new approach to journalism. He also ignored SEO, saying, “Instead of making content robots like, it was more satisfying to make content humans want to share.”[8] Unfortunately for us, we share a lot of cat videos.

A common aphorism in the field of viral marketing is, “content might be king, but distribution is queen, and she wears the pants” (or “and she has the dragons”; pick your metaphor). BuzzFeed’s distribution-based approach is based on obsessive measurement, using A/B testing and analytics.

Jon Steinberg, president of BuzzFeed, explains the first principles of virality:

Keep it short. Ensure [that] the story has a human aspect. Give people the chance to engage. And let them react. People mustn’t feel awkward sharing it. It must feel authentic. Images and lists work. The headline must be persuasive and direct.

不知道是什么的 CD 公司的 FTP 运用:

When Sivers founded his company CD Baby, he reduced the concept down to first principles. Sivers asked, What does a successful business need? His answer was happy customers.當西弗斯創立他的公司 CD Baby 時,他將概念簡化為首要原則。西弗斯問道,一個成功的企業需要什麼?他的回答是讓顧客滿意。

Instead of focusing on garnering investors or having large offices, fancy systems, or huge numbers of staff, Sivers focused on making each of his customers happy. An example of this is his famous order confirmation email, part of which reads:

Your CD has been gently taken from our CD Baby shelves with sterilized contamination-free gloves and placed onto a satin pillow. A team of 50 employees inspected your CD and polished it to make sure it was in the best possible condition before mailing. Our packing specialist from Japan lit a candle and a hush fell over the crowd as he put your CD into the finest gold-lined box money can buy.

By ignoring unnecessary details that cause many businesses to expend large amounts of money and time, Sivers was able to rapidly grow the company to $4 million in monthly revenue.

In Anything You Want, Sivers wrote:

Having no funding was a huge advantage for me.

A year after I started CD Baby, the dot-com boom happened. Anyone with a little hot air and a vague plan was given millions of dollars by investors. It was ridiculous. …

It’s counterintuitive, but the way to grow your business is to focus entirely on your existing customers. Just thrill them, and they’ll tell everyone.



Clarifying your thinking and explaining the origins of your ideas (Why do I think this? What exactly do I think?


Challenging assumptions (How do I know this is true? What if I thought the opposite?)


Looking for evidence (How can I back this up? What are the sources?)


Considering alternative perspectives (What might others think? How do I know I am correct?)


Examining consequences and implications (What if I am wrong? What are the consequences if I am?)


Questioning the original questions (Why did I think that? Was I correct? What conclusions can I draw from the reasoning process?)


苏格拉底式提问通常被认为是开启 FTP 的模板。但实际上很多人的思维模型都包含了 FTP。到底是 modify 原有模型,还是 insert 苏格拉底式提问到大脑,看个人。


看看我和 gpt 的讨论吧。

所以我能这么理解吗? 第一性原理,是帮助一个人拆解原问题,得到一堆基本真理。这些基本真理并不能很好的指导具体做什么,而是让决策者始终记得要参照什么指标(基本真理的具现化就是指标,比如用户体验流畅的具现化是 xx 功能的响应速度< 1s。还有常说的高可用,高并发,高性能)。决策者还要不断实践验证,重新评估这些指标的权重,由于世界不断变化,以及具体产品的指标在不同阶段有不同的权重。最后不断逼近目标是吧




  • 拆解:将复杂的问题拆解为更基本的组成部分。
  • 量化:定义能够衡量或反映这些基本真理的指标。
  • 实验:通过实践来测试这些指标是否能够有效地指导我们接近目标。
  • 评估:根据反馈和数据来评估这些指标和行动计划的有效性。
  • 迭代:基于评估结果不断调整指标和计划,以更好地适应变化。





First Principles: The Building Blocks of True Knowledge (fs.blog)

First Principles: Elon Musk on the Power of Thinking for Yourself (jamesclear.com)